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CEBRAnar #1: Estimating trading partner exposure risk to new pests or diseases
CEBRAnar #6: Streamlining risk analysis
CEBRAnar #13: Quantifying pathogens' risk of arrival & spread: a probabilistic perspective
CEBRAnar #26: Audits: how to time them to enhance the audited process cost-effectively
CEBRAnar #11: Modelling the spread and control of African swine fever
CEBRAnar #4: Automated Image Analysis for Identifying Biofouling Risk of Vessels
CEBRAnar #25: Estimating pest and disease consequences: a myrtle rust case study
CEBRAnar #7: The use of rubrics in qualitative evaluation
CEBRAnar #8: Using damage functions to estimate consequences from pests, diseases and climate change
CEBRAnar #18: An epidemiological model to estimate sensitivity of a surveillance system
CEBRAnar #15: Compartments for Australian agricultural producers
CEBRAnar #12: Protecting valued assets: Implications for biosecurity risk analysis